HELIO4CAST LineupCAT v2.0 This is the HELIO4CAST lineup catalog. This is version 2.0, released 2024-May-7, updated 2024-May-22. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.15134745 Rules: If results are produced with this catalog for peer-reviewed scientific publications, please contact chris.moestl@outlook.com , eva.weiler@geosphere.at and emma.davies@geosphere.at for possible co-authorships. The reference for this catalog is Moestl et al. 2022 ApJL doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac42d0. The catalog is available as a python pandas dataframe (pickle), json, csv, xlsx, txt, at https://helioforecast.space/lineups and https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15134745. Number of events: 116 ICME observatories: Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe (PSP), BepiColombo, Wind, STEREO-A. Time range: April 2020 - April 2024. Authors: Eva Weiler, Christian Möstl, Emma E. Davies, Austrian Space Weather Office, GeoSphere Austria, Graz, Austria. Contributors, Andreas J. Weiss, Rachel L. Bailey, Martin A. Reiss, D. Barnes, J. A. Davies, R. A. Harrison. The python source code for producing this catalog is available at https://github.com/EvaWeiler/LineupCAT lineupcat.ipynb Each event has unique identifier either from the HELIO4CAST ICMECAT, the HELCATS HIGeoCAT or the DONKI database. Comments: - Spacecraft positions are given in Heliocentric Earth Equatorial Coordinates (HEEQ) coordinates.Parameters: 01: event: To which multipoint event the row belongs to, unit: integer. 02: lineupcat_id: Observations that are assigned to the same ICME are given the same ID. unit: string. 03: event_start_time: For in situ spacecraft, similar to icme_start_time in the ICMECAT. For STEREO-A-HI (HIA), its the see_launch_time from HIGeoCAT, for DONKI its time21_5 from the DONKI database. unit: UTC. 04: spacecraft: HIA if the entry refers to observations from STEREO-A-HI; STEREO A: SECCHI/COR2, SOHO: LASCO/C2 if the entry refers to coronagraph observations by either STEREO-A or SOHO; otherwise the in situ observing spacecraft. unit: string. 05: sc_heliodistance: Heliocentric distance of the spacecraft at event_start_time. unit: AU. 06: sc_long_heeq: Heliospheric longitude of the spacecraft at event_start_time, range [-180,180]. unit: degree (HEEQ). 07: sc_lat_heeq: Heliospheric latitude of the spacecraft at event_start_time, range [-180,180]. unit: degree (HEEQ). 08: cme_long_heeq: CME longitude, derived either from SSEF30 modeling with STEREO-A-HI or SWPC CAT with STEREO A: SECCHI/COR2 or SOHO: LASCO/C2, range [-180,180]. unit: degree (HEEQ) 09: speed: For in situ observations, the speed over the whole ICME interval (icme_speed_mean in ICMECAT). For HIA, the speed derived from SSEF30 modeling in HIGeoCAT; for DONKI, the speed is determined by linearly fitting position/time plots. unit: km/s. 10: mo_bmax: Only for in situ observations, maximum total magnetic field in the magnetic obstacle interval (mo_start_time to mo_end_time). unit: nT. 11: mo_bzmin: Only for in situ observations, minimum magnetic field Bz component in the magnetic obstacle. unit: nT (RTN). 12: catalog_id: the id from either the ICMECAT, HIGeoCAT or DONKI, allowing to look up the event directly in these other catalogs. 13: source: Solar source region as given in DONKI.