ARRIVAL CATALOGUE 2.0 In this ARRival CATalog (ARRCAT), the arrivals of solar coronal mass ejections that were tracked with the STEREO heliospheric imagers are calculated. ARRCAT lists modeled arrivals of CMEs at various spacecraft and planets, based on the HIGeoCAT catalog of CMEs established at RAL Space, UK (D. Barnes, J. A. Davies, R. A. Harrison). This is version 2.0, released 2020-May-13, updated 2024-February-27. It is based on this HIGeoCAT version: using the SSEF30 model. The catalog is available as python pandas dataframe (pickle), python numpy arrays (pickle, as recarray and structured array), npy (numpy, no pickle), json, csv, xlsx, txt, hdf5, html at Number of events in ARRCAT: 2153 Targets: Earth_L1, STEREO-A, STEREO-B, Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe (PSP), BepiColombo, Venus, Mercury, Mars. The catalog covers the timerange 2007-04 to 2023-12 Authors: Christian Moestl (1), Eva weiler (1), D. Barnes (2), R. A. Harrison (2), J. A. Davies (2). (1) Austrian Space Weather Office, GeoSphere Austria, Graz, Austria, (2) RAL Space, UK. Rules: If results are produced with this catalog for peer-reviewed scientific publications, please contact for co-authorships. We acknowledge the use of the astrospice and spiceypy python packages. Parameters 0: id: From HIGeoCAT, the unique identifier for the observed CME. 1: sc: From HIGeoCAT, the HI observing STEREO spacecraft, (A=Ahead or B=Behind) 2: target_name: Name of in situ target. 3: sse_launch_time: From HIGeoCAT, launch time of the CME at Sun center, unit: UTC. 4: target_arrival_time: CME arrival time at target location calculated with the SSEF30 model, corrected for SSE shape (Moestl and Davies, 2013). unit: UTC. 5: target_arrival_time_err: Error of CME arrival time at target location from SSEF30 model, solely based on error in parameter sse_speed_err. unit: hours. 6: target_distance: Target distance from Sun, at model CME arrival time. unit: AU. 7: target_heeq_lon: Target longitude in HEEQ, at model CME arrival time. unit: degree. 8: target_heeq_lat: Target latitude in HEEQ, at model CME arrival time. unit: degree. 9: target_delta: Difference in HEEQ longitude between central CME direction and target location at model CME arrival time, positive values: spacecraft is west of CME apex. unit: degree. 10: sse_heeq_lon: From HIGeoCAT, the HEEQ longitude of the CME apex propagation direction, unit: degree. 11: sse_heeq_lat: From HIGeoCAT, the HEEQ latitude of the CME apex propagation direction, unit: degree. 12: sse_speed: From HIGeoCAT, speed of the CME apex, unit: km/s. 13: sse_speed_err: From HIGeoCAT, error in the speed of the CME apex, unit: km/s. 14: target_speed: CME arrival speed at target location, corrected for SSE shape (Moestl and Davies, 2013). unit: km/s. 15: target_speed_err: Error in CME arrival speed at target location, corrected for SSE shape (Moestl and Davies, 2013). unit: km/s. 16: pa_fit: From HIGeoCAT, PA along which time-elongation profile is extracted, unit: degree. 17: pa_n: From HIGeoCAT, northern position angle of CME, unit: degree. 18: pa_s: From HIGeoCAT, southernmost position angle of CME, unit: degree. 19: pa_center: average of pa_n and pa_s, unit: degree. Comments - Single-Spacecraft fitting of time-elongation tracks observed with heliospheric imagers with the SSEF30 model is described in Davies et al. (2012) and Möstl et al. (2014). - We have modified the calculation of CME arrival time here by a new iterative method compared to Moestl et al. (2014, 2017). In the first iteration, the sse_launch_time is used to calculate the target HEEQ position. In subsequent three iterations, we use the arrival time from the previous iteration (instead of sse_launch time) to calculate the target HEEQ position. In this way we avoid an error of a few degrees in the arrival target location (see also Moestl et al. 2017). - The analytical formulas for calculating the speeds and arrival times of the CMEs modeled with SSEF30, corrected for the SSEF30 circular shape, can be found in Moestl & Davies (2013). - The position for the Sun-Earth L1 point, with the target_name "Earth_L1", is set as the position of Earth with the radial distance reduced by 0.01 AU. References Davies et al. (2012) (open access) Moestl & Davies (2013) arxiv: Moestl et al. (2014) (open access) Moestl et al. (2017) (open access)